UNICEF World Children’s Day 2022 in the Philippines.
Stop Motion Animation of UNICEF Learn-at-home activities for children
Typhoon Odette: UNICEF Child Friendly Spaces Youth Volunteers
Typhoon Odette: UNICEF Nutrition response in Siargao
Typhoon Odette: UNICEF Education in emergencies (Siargao)
Typhoon Odette: UNICEF’s Temporary Learning Spaces in Siargao
Typhoon Odette: UNICEF Child Friendly Space Youth Animators in Siargao
Typhoon Odette: UNICEF WASH response in Siargao
Voices of Youth: One year after the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic
UNICEF World Children’s Day 2020: For every child, a voice
UNICEF: Sexually abused children in the Philippines
Kuwentong ACPC: Wencelito establishes trading agribusiness to help farmers in Nueva Ecija #ACPCANYO
Kuwentong ACPC: Elisha Bay Dagupan Bangus and Seafoods #ACPCSURECOVID19
Kuwentong ACPC: San Jose Workers Multipurpose Cooperative (SJWMPC) #ACPCSURECOVID19
Kuwentong ACPC: #YoungAgripreneur Noel’s Integrated Farm in Pangasinan #ACPCKAYA
Kuwentong ACPC: EA Estrella Grains Corporation in Nueva Ecija #ACPCSURECOVID19
Kuwentong ACPC: #YoungAgripreneur Ferdy’s Sweet and Spicy Agribusiness #ACPCKAYA
Kuwentong ACPC: Repatriated OFW Ricardo establishes Faith Rice Mill #ACPCANYOforOFWs
Kuwentong ACPC: #YoungAgripreneur Mark Anthony’s Integrated Farm in Nueva Ecija #ACPCKAYA